
Thursday, February 17, 2011

More than a Store

Hello Redemption friends!

I am Krista, the marketing intern at Redemption. Last September, Amber and Matt were looking for marketing help. That is when I became part of the team. Yep! You heard me, TEAM. Amber and Matt have always made me feel free to share my opinions and have respected my ideas. I think that is why I like interning here so much; I feel like I make difference!

Being a part of a team is not the only thing that brings me joy about interning here. I really believe in what Redemption is all about. I’m not talking about the fact that it’s a women’s clothing store with shoes etc. I’m talking about the values that Redemption represents…
Being Yourself, Creating Lasting Relationships, Supporting the Community!

Which is why Redemption’s mission is just that, we want every person who walks through our door to enjoy an experience at Redemption that you cannot find in a typical woman’s clothing store! Why shouldn’t a store represent the values of those who put their hearts into creating it? So stop in, stay awhile and experience something that you can’t find anywhere else! I wouldn’t trade my experiences here for the world.



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